Obtaining your driving licence is seen as a right-of-passage, mainly as it comes at a time when most people are closer to the end of their teens than they are to the beginning (although you can of course learn to drive at virtually any age!). However, no matter how exciting piloting your own vehicle seems, it’s still something most people are very nervous about. Driving is a huge responsibility, after all.
Some people require only a handful of lessons, but for others it’s a much longer process. One thing is crystal clear though – you should never attempt your driving test unless you are completely ready for it.
It’s recommended that most drivers undertake at least forty to fifty hours worth of driving practice with a qualified instructor before they go on to take their driving test for the first time. Once you’re comfortable with driving, extra practice with a suitable family member or friend is also a good idea.
That’s a lot of driving time, and fitting it in with school and work can be a problem. If you’re learning to drive in the winter you have the additional issue of finding daylight hours in which to practice.
The good news – our driving instructors are flexible. If your current instructor will not make flexible arrangements – then give us a call!
There are also other ways in which you can comfortably fit your driving tuition around your schedule:
Don’t be tied to being picked up from home
– if you’re working or at school then you’ll probably have a commute. You can save time by being picked up from your school or workplace for your lesson, take your lesson, and then be dropped at home. You can also ask about having driving lessons in your lunch break.
Sacrifice some weekend time
– you may of course think that week days are for work or study, and weekends are for play. You can easily sacrifice a little of your ‘playtime’ so you’ll become a qualified driver sooner.
Take tighter lessons
– you may feel that a one hour lesson is standard, but your instructor is likely to be willing to offer you shorter lessons. If you can’t find an hour at a time, then two half-hour lessons are just as useful. In fact, when you are driving for real it’s unlikely every car journey you make will last an hour anyway.
Get out of bed!
– If you really can’t find the time to fit in your lessons, how about sacrificing an hour’s sleep and setting your alarm earlier? If you can fit in some early morning tuition it will at least get you used to crack-of-dawn driving once you’ve passed your test!
Obtaining your driving licence gives you independence and freedom and stops you from being reliant on public transport and other people. A little bit of creative scheduling will soon see you finding the time to fit in all those all-important driving lessons!