
DVLA steps up measures to track car tax dodgers

DVLA steps up measures to track car tax dodgers

It has been widely reported recently that since the abolition of the tax disc the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has lost out on over £100 million in revenue. This is one of the reasons that the DVLA has stepped up its efforts to track and catch those who dodge paying their car tax. This month we take a look at vehicle tax, what you must do to ensure you are fully paid up, and what happens if you are not.Read more

Driving in icy conditions

Driving in icy conditions

This winter has already seen a few very cold spells and we are only just getting into January which is typically one of the coldest months in the UK, so it is safe to assume that we can expect more cold weather before the winter is out. While black ice is not uncommon on minor roads at the best of times, particularly in more rural areas, those of us living in more built-up areas may not be as accustomed to it and not always have the skills and experience of driving in such conditions. This month we take a quick look at the basics of driving in snow and ice and set out a few tips to staying safe and getting to your destination without incident.Read more

Further information on the new driving test

Further information on the new driving test

You will recall a couple of months ago we covered the new driving test that is came into force on Monday the 4th of December. For a quick recap, here is the previous blog entry. At the time there was a limited amount of information available on how the new test would be run and there was little detail on the specifics and only headline information on what it would entail. The Department of Vehicle Standards Agency has released further information, which will be helpful to both instructors and learners ready to take their test. We have compiled a short summary for this month’s article.Read more

Should there be an insurance cap for new drivers

Should there be an insurance cap for new drivers?

Learning to drive is, for many, essential but it is also an exciting time for the younger generation. However, the increased expenses that come with being a new driver are making it quite difficult for youngsters to start driving. A major expense to consider is the often prohibitive insurance premium which new drivers need to pay.Read more

Five top tips for safe summer driving

Five top tips for safe summer driving

Although winter brings hazardous road conditions, did you know that it is actually the summer months that are the most dangerous to road users? We commonly apply caution during the winter months to cope with icy roads, damp conditions and fog but we often assume summer driving is much safer.Read more


Should Learner Drivers Have To Prove Sat Nav Skills?

Research conducted by the DVSA has indicated that more than half the drivers that currently use the road make use of satellite navigation devices. Consequently, the decision has been announced to integrate sat nav skills into the driving test. From the 4th December 2017, learner drivers being examined for a licence will have to show that they have sufficient skills to use a sat nav.Read more

Lanes School of Driving, Bromley

Understanding Highway Code Rule 146: Adapting Your Driving

Highway Code rule 146 seems to be one of basic common sense. But is it really? Because this rule covers a broad range of possibilities and the interpretation of adapting the way you are driving under certain road conditions can be different for everyone, this rule is open to interpretation. In fact, the way two different drivers interpret this rule at the same time may well depend on whether the road conditions produce an outcome that results in an accident.Read more